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Polina Nedyalkova, Regional Manager Italy at EGT Interactive
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Polina Nedyalkova, Regional Manager Italy at EGT Interactive, highlights the important contribution of women in the iGaming sector in a GiocoNews interview

We don’t play with the protection and enhancement of gender difference. Certainly, a company that operates in a global context like Egt Interactive and therefore has to do with different cultures and sensitivities doesn’t do that. But how important is gender diversity and the enhancement of women’s work for the online gaming company? Polina Nedyalkova, regional business development manager Italy, has the floor.

For a company operating in a global context such as Egt Interactive and which therefore has to do with different cultures and sensitivities, how important is gender diversity and the enhancement of female work?
“Nowadays for some companies it is a matter of corporate policy to bridge the gender gap and hire more woman in the workforce in different segments. Certainly, Egt Interactive is one of the companies that brings woman empowerment in the world of business and if one takes a look at our senior level management could easily find out why I am saying this. Egt Interactive has always respected gender balance and we are very proud of all ladies working for the company not only on executive positions, but also involved in all other business activities. The more globalized our company becomes, the more globalized also our values and the principles are”.

What is the trademark contribution, if there is, that women give to the world of work and, in particular, to that of gaming?
“Of course, that both genders can be very successful in their jobs, but I do believe that woman and man shape differently their approach to business. This is why gender balance is quite important as different background, emotional intelligence and experience can foster more complex view and thus better decisions, ideas and innovation. Communicating with people that think differently is always a big advantage and in my view gender diversity is a key factor for this. Some of the most important advantages that woman can use and contribute to the business with are empathy, communication skills, emotional intelligence and responsibility. Although it is hard to measure and to conclude, I am more likely to believe that woman in business can more easily bring consensus considered one of the keys for successful deals and strategic partnerships. Generally speaking, the gaming industry is not that gender balanced, as significant part of the decision-making positions is represented by man. This does not come as a surprise because the gaming is traditionally not precepted and connected with women. Even though I am happy to see that more and more women are coming and all I have met by now are very skilled, supportive and professional and it has always been a pleasure to work with them”.

In your opinion, what meaning can and must be given, in 2022, to a holiday like the one of March, the 8th?
“8th of March has always been a day of expression of respect, gratitude and love to all women and that makes it special. In Bulgaria it is also strongly related to the role of the mother. Having said that, the 8th of March is a day to remember and celebrate how far have women come in all aspects of life like family, business, society. In the context of business, the day could be a reminder that equal rights and equal pay are critical for woman and I hope that more and more companies are heading this direction”.

In the design of online games, what is Egt position towards female identity?
“What I have always experienced at Egt Interactive as a woman is respect and freedom to show my identity and I guess that one of the drivers of our progress is exactly that we are inclusive”.